Saturday, August 29, 2009


I originally had thought of something with a magnifying glass in a laboratory somewhere clean and white... but settled on shadow puppets instead. My rabbits never looked as good as her's but I had a friend who could make her's talk and wink it's eye.


  1. this brings back memories. love it!

  2. This is great. I love your interpretation of the theme.

  3. i like the take on the topic! lovely illo... very nostalgic!

  4. I was always a fan of shadow puppets. Thanks for the kind words!

  5. really lovely illu, with a great sense of nostalgia! i love the petterns on the sleeping bags too! x

  6. Great poses Kate - getting her to hold the flashlight with her chin & shoulder looks tricky. You did it beautifully. Nicely done. This is one of my fav's that you've done.
    I've got a stark white lab drawing in the works... I'll post it tonight.

  7. Thanks Jeff! Your comments are always so insiteful. I wasn't entirely pleased with her flashlight hold but it got to the point of good enough. Thanks!

    I too have a stark white lab drawing in the works for another project. We'll see when I finish that. But I can't wait to see yours! Oops that came out a little dirty,

  8. Wonderful illustration!! I've missed visiting..I'm so sorry! Great work.

  9. shadow puppets! so brilliant and well made :)
